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Pandemic and Beauty

So much can change in an instant.  Never in a million years would I have ever predicted a pandemic.  But here I am living through one.  The world and local news along with death toll numbers make this a very scary time.  Reality is...this COVID-19 virus is something we just don't want to confront but the unfortunate reality is... it is staring us right in the face. It's heartbreaking to know the severity of this virus and the destruction it is doing.  Everything from taking lives, shutting down economies and taking jobs.  It is a very scary and heartfelt time for all around the world.

While social distancing we found these cute rocks hidden all through the woods. It brought pure joy.

It's scary for all the right reasons but I am also seeing so much beauty in all of this.  I am not sure if pandemic and beauty can even go together but I am trying to connect the two.  I've witnessed so many people step up and help others. For an example, the cashier at Costco telling me she is planning to give blood, or a friend that is making masks for the community of Detroit and placing them in the Little Libraries.  A charity organization called Fuel our Front Lines was created and provides snacks to those facing this virus day after day. A group of employees from General Motors have come together to make plastic shields for the hospitals using 3D printers.  Teachers are connecting with their students using Zoom and sending encouraging notes. Children are decorating their windows and doors with rainbows to remind us that after every storm there is a rainbow. My local fire department is doing surprise birthday drive bys for children spending their birthdays at home.  People are social distancing themselves to save lives and businesses have "paused" to help fight the spread. This pandemic will NOT win.  Together we will defeat this. 

Teacher Appreciation Week looked a lot different this year but it did not stop us from celebrating.  We had a car parade for our amazing teachers as they stood outside waving as we drove by.  

What beauty are witnessing from this pandemic?  

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