When I feel a cold coming on, (like now) we do a lot of homeopathic things in my household to fight the germ. Basically, I turn into this hippy and even get a little mad at the thought of getting sick. I refuse to accept the fact that I am sick. Mind over matter. Today we did the following things before 9:00 AM and even my 18 month old had to participate in some.
1. We all had a tablespoon of honey and cinnamon. My llitte guy said "no" but once he tasted the sweet honey, he was all for it . This helps with a sore throat and chest symptoms of a cold.
2. We all had our Vitamin D3 dose (helps support immune system)
3. Lots of water and today we are using fresh lemon for our immune system and to help flush out toxins.
4. Multivitamin
5. Hot herbal tea. My husband had Ginger Tea and I had an herbal mixture. No tea for the little guy. He didn't seem to mind.
6. I plugged in my essential oil diffuser and used Thieves to disinfect the air we breathe. I will refresh this all day.
7. Vitamin C. We are eating a lot of oranges today. My son started the day off with one and I will give him another orange for an afternoon snack.
8. Lots of hand washing. I even disinfected door knobs and handles. We can't spread the germ.
9. Exercise: I went to the gym and did 30 minutes of cardio. My husband is the one with the full blown illness so he stayed home to respect others and not spread it to the community. I disinfected my machine when I was done, just in case I come down with this "germ".
10. Rest: Yes lots of it. My husband and son are napping and I'm taking time to sit and blog. I am not much of a day sleeper. We don't plan on doing any big projects today and will stay home to respect the community. Maybe even turn on the TV and watch a movie.
11. This afternooon I will make super soup for dinner. It's my favorite soup. Years ago, my husband and sister n law created a soup formula and called it Super Soup. It's so healthy for you. Lots of veggies and great flavor. Maybe I will share later on another post. I'm sure it will cure us from the "germ".
Being sick and pregnant does not sound fun. I hope to stay strong and carry on!
What do you do when you are feeling a cold coming on? Any tips help!
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